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Cannabidiol Oil And Cancer in India: What to Know

In 2016, studies found that CBD, a compound in cannabis, slowed the spread of certain cancer cells1. This sparked interest in using CBD oil to help ease cancer symptoms in India. Our guide covers nine key points about CBD oil and its benefits for Indian cancer patients.

A serene and hopeful image of a person undergoing cancer treatment while using CBD oil as a complementary therapy. The person could be sitting on a comfortable chair or couch, with a book or something to keep them occupied. The room could have natural light streaming in from the window. A bottle of CBD oil and some CBD-infused products like lotions or tinctures could be nearby, indicating their use in the treatment. The overall feeling of the image should be calm and soothing, conveying the potential benefits of CBD oil for cancer patients.

Key Takeaways

  • CBD oil may fight cancer, as it could reduce tumor cell growth.

  • It might ease cancer pain and swelling by acting on the body's natural cannabinoid system.

  • It could lower chemo side effects like nausea and vomiting.

  • CBD oil might boost life quality for cancer patients by tackling pain, stomach upset, and lack of hunger.

  • Getting CBD oil from trusted, government-approved sources in India is very important.

Understanding CBD Oil and Cancer

Cannabidiol (CBD) is an element found in cannabis without the high many might expect. It's getting a lot of interest for possibly helping in cancer treatment2. CBD works with the body's endocannabinoid system. This system is key in keeping our body functions in check. It affects our mood, hunger, feeling pain, and how our immune system reacts2. By influencing certain receptors, CBD can adjust these functions. This might mean good things for those fighting cancer.

CBD and the Endocannabinoid System

The endocannabinoid system involves receptors, enzymes, and cannabinoids that the body makes. It’s like the body's internal manager, keeping things running smoothly2. CBD helps this system, supporting the body as it fights health threats. This includes the big changes cancer brings.

Potential Anti-Cancer Effects

Early studies show CBD might fight cancer by stopping some cancer cells from growing and spreading3. Some research suggests CBD oil slows down cancers of the breast, lung, colon, and prostate3. But, we still need more studies with people to be sure of its effect on cancer.

The book "Cancer And CBD Oil: Understanding The Benefits Of Cannabis And Medical Marijuana" dives into how CBD oil could ease cancer symptoms and fight the disease4. It looks at how different parts of cannabis, like THC and CBD, might influence cancer cell behavior. This includes how they might slow down growth or encourage cell death.

"Cannabidiol (CBD) is a novel inhibitor for exosome and microvesicle release in cancer." - Kosgodage et al. (2018)2

As scientists study CBD and cancer more, we're seeing its potential for treatment and care2. Its strong ties to the endocannabinoid system and its possible anti-cancer effects offer a new approach against cancer. For many, this could bring hope for other ways to fight cancer's challenges2..

Pain Management and CBD Oil

One major benefit of CBD oil is easing pain. It can be very helpful for those dealing with cancer. Cancer often brings about intense pain that affects a person's everyday life. CBD interacts with the brain and nervous system. This interaction lessens the feeling of both pain and inflammation.

Reducing Pain Perception

CBD might help with pain by working with the endocannabinoid system. This system is vital for managing how we sense pain, respond to sickness, and regulate our moods6. It is found that CBD could reduce pain and improve life for people with multiple sclerosis. It also helped those with neuropathy and chemo-induced neuropathy5. In another study, CBD was able to lower pain and better sleep for those with conditions like fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Studies show that CBD oil fights inflammation. This ability makes it a good option for people with cancer. CBD can stop certain pathways that cause inflammation. This leads to less production of substances that promote swelling and pain6. The anti-inflammatory result is pain relief and a general sense of well-being for cancer patients.

A 2020 study found a THC: CBD spray worked well for cancer pain. It was much better than a placebo for those with advanced cancer. These were patients who didn't find pain relief with strong painkillers5. Another study from 2019 showed CBD to significantly lessen pain, better sleep, and raise happiness in cancer patients receiving palliative care5.

A person with a drawn and strained expression on their face holds a bottle of CBD oil in one hand and touches their lower back with the other. In the background, an ethereal image of a malignant growth is partially visible, with glowing red and orange tendrils spreading out from it. The person's eyes are closed as if in relief, and a faint green glow emanates from the area where they are touching their back.

Starting with a small amount of CBD and increasing gradually is best5. The recommended dose is 1 to 6 mg of CBD per every 10 pounds you weigh. It's important to talk to a doctor about how much you should take5. CBD comes in different strengths. This means you might need to try different products to find what works best for you5. Always watch how your body reacts to CBD. Make sure to notice if it's helping with your pain and if there are any side effects5. Talking to healthcare providers who know about CBD is key. They can help you figure out the best dose and how to use it for your cancer pain5.

"CBD oil has shown promising results in relieving neuropathic pain, arthritis pain, chronic pain, inflammation-related pain, and migraines."6

Anti-inflammatory Effects of CBD Oil

Inflammation is how our bodies react to harmful things. It helps us heal. But, when it happens a lot, like with cancer, it can lead to problems. These can include pain, tiredness, and a weak immune system. CBD oil works by calming the body's inflammation and improving how the immune system works, which might help reduce cancer-related symptoms7.

Many studies have looked into how the body's endocannabinoid system can impact cancer treatments. Researchers think that using this system might help fight cancer. For example, in some studies on prostate and colorectal cancer, the level of certain receptors could show how bad the disease might get7. Also, for ovarian cancer, the same receptors have been linked to how severe the cancer is. This shows that the body's own chemicals, called endocannabinoids, have a role in cancer. These studies suggest that natural compounds like terpenoids could be useful in treating cancer7.

CBD oil also shows promise in easing anxiety for people with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). A dose of 300 to 600 mg worked well in those patients8. In another study with 72 people, CBD helped lower anxiety and improved how well they slept. This also means patients with cancer might see their pain levels decrease, which could make their lives better8.

A study on pain in cancer patients found that cannabis, when used long term, can help. It was even better than strong painkillers but with fewer bad effects9. Another study gave a mix of CBD oil and THC to people with severe cancer pain. It helped lower their pain with less severe side effects than those who used strong painkillers9. A lot of research backs the idea that CBD oil can make cancer pain better. This makes it a good option to add to the usual treatments for cancer pain9.

Recently, a big review found that CBD and other cannabinoids really help with cancer pain. They were more helpful than a fake treatment in these studies. Right now, more research is being done to see how well CBD oil can manage cancer pain. This adds to the growing proof that CBD oil has important benefits9.

"CBD oil, being non-addictive, presents a lower risk of dependence compared to opioid painkillers and may lead to fewer and milder side effects."9

Managing Treatment Side Effects

Cancer treatment comes with its own set of tough battles. Patients often face nausea, vomiting, and a lack of appetite. But, there's new hope in the form of CBD oil to help with these harsh effects10.

Nausea and Vomiting Management

Nausea and vomiting hit hard, especially for those getting chemotherapy. CBD oil interacts with our body's natural systems and can help reduce these symptoms10. Some early studies show that adding CBD oil to standard anti-nausea drugs can make them work better. This could lead to a better life for patients dealing with cancer and its treatments10.

Appetite Stimulation

Many cancer patients struggle with eating, leading to weight loss and lacking in nutrients. CBD oil can stimulate the urge to eat. This can help with nutrition and energy levels during the treatment phase10.

Improving diet with CBD oil can be key to a better life for patients10.

A person holding a bottle of CBD oil and reaching towards their head with a pained expression. Behind them, a blurry image of a hospital bed and medical equipment. There is a soft glow around the bottle, suggesting healing properties. The overall mood is one of hope amidst the challenges of cancer treatment side effects.
"CBD oil has the potential to be a valuable complementary therapy in managing the debilitating side effects of cancer treatment, providing hope and improving the quality of life for patients."

Researchers are looking more into what CBD oil can do for cancer patients. It might help with nausea, vomiting, and appetite loss. But, it's important for everyone, including those in India, to use it with care and under medical advice10.

Enhancing Quality of Life and Mental Health

Receiving a cancer diagnosis is hard, bringing anxiety, depression, and stress11. It's crucial to help with these feelings to boost life quality and make cancer treatments more effective.

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is getting noticed for its benefits to mental health. It's a compound from the cannabis plant that doesn't make you high. This compound can blend with brain receptors tied to mood, possibly easing anxiety and depression12.

Studies also show that CBD might help with sleep issues, common among cancer patients11. This could lead to better lives and perhaps even better responses to cancer treatments11.

The use of CBD oil in cancer care is still growing. It's vital to see its potential to improve life quality for patients battling cancer13. By aiding mental health and general well-being, CBD oil offers a supportive method for those in India facing cancer13.

A person sitting on a chair with their eyes closed, surrounded by various colorful abstract shapes. Their head is tilted back slightly, and there is a sense of calmness on their face. A bottle of CBD oil is placed next to them, with a few drops of oil spilling out from the open lid. The background is blurred, giving a sense of relaxation and mental clarity.
"The use of cannabinoids, including CBD, in cancer care can have a profound impact on a patient's quality of life, addressing emotional and psychological needs that are often overlooked. As research continues to unfold, we may see an increasing integration of these natural compounds into the comprehensive management of cancer."

Potential Benefits of CBD Oil for Mental Health in Cancer Patients

Relevant Studies

Reduced anxiety and depression

Improved sleep quality

Enhanced overall quality of life

As CBD oil becomes more a part of cancer care, its impact on life quality is key13. It helps tackle mental health issues and supports wellness, all while complementing cancer treatments in India13.

Cannabidiol Oil And Cancer in India

People worldwide are looking at CBD oil for its possible help in cancer treatment. But, each country, like India, has its own rules and views on CBD oil. This affects how it can be used in fighting cancer.

In India, interest in using CBD oil for medical reasons is growing. Studies and projects are happening to see how CBD oil can help in cancer care. It has already shown good signs in reducing symptoms and issues caused by cancer and its treatments14.

Research points to CBD oil helping cancer patients eat more and feel less sick from treatments like chemo15. It is also useful in handling feelings of stress, sadness, or trouble sleeping that often come with cancer care15.

Plus, CBD oil seems to work well in easing pain and swelling in cancer patients, sometimes better than strong painkillers15. When taken under the tongue, it kicks in fast, usually within a few minutes, and lasts for a few hours. This makes it a good choice for those dealing with cancer15.

Some early research suggests CBD oil might even help lower the risk of getting cancer in the first place. It could do this by reducing harmful inflammation and keeping blood pressure in check15. There's also lab work hinting that CBD oil might slow down cancer growth, stop tumors from spreading, and even make cancer cells die off. This kind of research focuses on cancers like those in the pancreas, brain, bladder, colon, and breast16.

As we learn more about using CBD oil for cancer care in India, it's critical for patients and doctors to keep up with new discoveries and the law. This will help them make good decisions on using CBD oil as part of treating cancer151614.

CBD Oil for Cancer Patients in India

In India, CBD oil is becoming a popular choice in cancer care. This is especially true for patients looking for extra ways to cope with their symptoms. CBD oil is a natural extract from hemp without the high17.

Patient Story

Riya is a breast cancer patient who turned to CBD oil for help. Chemotherapy and radiation brought on serious side effects for her. She dealt with pain, nausea, and lost her desire to eat17.

Seeing the promising studies on CBD oil, Riya decided to try it. She chose a quality product from the USA. This oil comes from organically grown hemp in Colorado17.

Riya felt a big change soon after using it. She says, "My pain dropped, and eating became easier. Plus, handling the nausea was better, so I could take my other meds."19

A silhouette of a cancer patient holding a bottle of CBD oil with the Indian national monument Taj Mahal in the background.

Many cancer patients in India are now looking at CBD oil too. They want to add something more to their standard treatments. Riya's positive outcome adds to the growing belief in this green, natural therapy18.

Riya's story is just one example of CBD oil use in India. It shows how natural remedies are catching on, especially with cancer patients. The more people hear about success stories like Riya's, the more they trust in this alternative way to fight cancer's effects.

Research on CBD and Cancer

The scientific community is looking into how CBD oil might help in cancer treatment. New studies show that CBD has properties that could fight cancer. It also helps us understand how it works against different types of cancer20.

In India, for instance, 35% of women are using Cannabidiol Oil for Cancer. In Europe, legal use of cannabis for medicine has increased by 60% since 2015. In Canada, there are about 200,000 people using medical cannabis. In the U.S., medical marijuana is used by 1 out of 5 cancer patients20.

In 1975, researchers first found that cannabinoids might be able to fight cancer. They can slow down the growth of breast, prostate, and liver cancers. This means they could help stop these cancers from spreading20.

Studies have shown that cannabinoids are particularly helpful for breast and prostate cancers. For breast cancer, 40% of patients saw less cancer growth. In prostate cancer, 4 out of 5 patients with a specific antibody in their body had more severe cancer. However, treatment with special compounds found in cannabis caused more cancer cells to die. Also, 80% of these compounds helped stop prostate cancer growth outside and inside the body20.

CBD's benefits in cancer care go beyond just fighting cancer. It's been shown to help manage pain, lower inflammation, and make life better for cancer patients. Interestingly, CBD can also make cancer cells in the head and neck area less likely to spread. When used with a certain chemotherapy drug, this treatment was very effective in stopping tumor growth in mice2021.

While there's hope in CBD's role against cancer, the FDA hasn't approved it yet. However, more and more people with cancer are turning to cannabis treatments. This increased interest is motivating more research and trials in this area22.

As science moves forward with CBD and cancer, it's wise to keep up with the latest news. Always talk to your doctor about using CBD oil as part of your cancer care202122.

Safety Considerations and Dosage

CBD oil is usually safe, but safety factors are vital, especially if used in cancer treatment23. Interactions with other drugs, lack of FDA approval, and unclear product contents are possible risks23.

The main worry with CBD is how it mixes with medicine. It might change how some cancer drugs work or cause side effects23. Cancer patients should talk to their doctors first before using CBD. This ensures it won't affect the treatment23.

Finding the right CBD dose is tricky. It varies from person to person and the type of cancer they have. It's best to start with a small amount and slowly increase it. This is done until the desired effects are reached8. Research shows that 300 to 600 mg of CBD can lessen anxiety and better sleep for some8.

The FDA has not okayed nonprescription CBD products. This raises concerns about their safety and what's on the label23. Always choose CBD oil from trustworthy sources. This guarantees quality and content23.

A visually striking image of a cancer patient in India, surrounded by lush greenery, with a bottle of CBD oil prominently featured in the foreground. The patient should be depicted as hopeful and optimistic, with a sense of relief and comfort provided by the CBD oil. The colors should be warm and inviting, conveying a sense of healing and rejuvenation.

Incorporating CBD in cancer care needs careful attention. Working closely with doctors is key. They will watch for any issues and decide the right dose for you and your cancer type23. Being cautious and well-informed allows cancer patients to possibly benefit from CBD. All the while, keeping their safety and health first.

Legal Status of CBD Oil in India

The use of CBD oil is very important for people fighting cancer in India. It is known to help with pain, anxiety, sleep problems, and feeling sick24. In India, the law allows the use of CBD products for treating medical issues24.

India's NDPS Act of 1985 deals with the use of cannabis. It differentiates between the flower and other parts24. The government gives companies special permission to make and sell CBD-based products24. Medical cannabis leaf extract is allowed for some specific needs nationwide24. Approved companies can sell CBD products in India24.

The use of CBD oil by regular people is not clearly allowed in India24. Rules about the amount of THC and differences by area might be there in India's laws24. So far, only the state of Uttarakhand has fully supported using industrial hemp. Other states worry about political problems and missing chances for business25.

On November 15, 2021, the FSSAI marked hemp seed and its products as 'food', a big change in rules about hemp25. According to Indian law, hemp drinks should have less than 0.2 mg/kg of THC and under 75 mg/kg of CBD25. Hemp companies get their licenses from AYUSH and follow the Drugs and Cosmetics Act of 1940, showing they meet all rules25.

In India, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare made CBD legal on October 1st, 201826. Since then, more and more people are looking for CBD products26. Still, there's a lack of clear rules for CBD products, making it hard to check their quality and safety26.

CBD oil can only be bought online in India with a doctor's note for personal use26. Cannabis leaf (Vijaya) extracts are put in a special category as Schedule E-1 drugs, checked by the AYUSH Ministry and India's Excise Department26. To follow the law, CBD products must have little THC26.

More and more CBD and cannabis products are becoming available in India. However, because the industry is growing fast, some products labeled as CBD might not actually have it26.

"The legal landscape for CBD oil in India is complex and evolving, with both opportunities and challenges for cancer patients seeking access to this potentially beneficial treatment option."

Choosing High-Quality CBD Oil Products

Choosing the right CBD oil for cancer treatment is key. You need products that are top-notch in quality, purity, and potency2. Make sure the products you pick are certified and come from trusted sources.CBD oil product certification matters a lot too.

Go for brands that follow strict rules and test their products with third parties. They should openly share where their CBD oil product sourcing comes from and how they make their goods2. Stay away from items that are unclear about what they contain or promise too much.

  • Make sure the CBD oil is made from the best organic hemp plants2.

  • Check that a third party has tested the product for CBD oil product purity and CBD oil product potency2.

  • Choose products certified by trusted groups like the U.S. Hemp Authority or the USDA Organic program2. This ensures their CBD oil product quality and safety.

Researching to find the best CBD oil can really pay off for cancer patients27. It helps ensure the supplement they use is both safe and truly effective. This approach also boosts the chances of CBD oil offering real benefits in their fight against cancer.

Product Name

Price (INR)

CBD Content

Product Highlights

Noigra CBD Oil - Full Spectrum 3000mg (Fresh Mint)



Full-spectrum CBD oil, third-party tested, designed for severe chronic and neuropathic pain

PolyHerbs- EXTRA POTENT Triple Strength RSO Extract Syringe 5000mg – 5ml



Highly potent RSO extract, comprehensive wellness benefits

Cannabryl - XRV2500 Raw Extract 1:2 | 2500mg Cannabinoids



Raw extract with a balanced cannabinoid profile, suitable for a variety of conditions

Indie Extracts- Full Spectrum Hemp Leaf Raw Extract 5000MG/5ml



Full-spectrum raw hemp extract, high potency for comprehensive wellness support

Twiee CaniHeal - 3000mg (30ml)



Targeted formula for mental and physical wellness, pain relief, stress, and anxiety

Zero CBD - Pan CBD Mouth Freshener Spray (10ml)



CBD-infused mouth freshener spray for general well-being

The vast selection of CBD oil in India shows why careful research is important. Focus on choosing products that are CBD oil product quality, CBD oil product purity, and CBD oil product potency. This way, those with cancer can find options that meet their specific needs and health goals.

Integrating CBD Oil into Cancer Treatment

Adding CBD (cannabidiol) oil to cancer care needs close work with doctors29. Research shows CBD might fight tumors in animals and cells. It looks at various cancers like breast, lung, and more29. Still, much more study is needed to know how it really helps29.

CBD might ease pains linked to cancer treatments like chemo and radiation. It could help with pain, stop feeling sick, and make you want to eat29. So, it might help cancer patients feel better during treatment.

It's important to talk with doctors who know a lot about cancer and holistic medicine29. The right doctor should know plenty about CBD and how to work with other doctors. They should really care about each patient and be part of new research29.

Dr. Manish Kondapuram and Dr. Shruti Sridhar are experts who could help. They know a lot about cancer care, CBD, and using natural remedies. They could guide patients who want to try CBD with their cancer treatment29.

By teaming up with the right doctors, patients can learn all they need to know about using CBD. When used correctly, CBD might be a helpful part of cancer care. But it should always be with a doctor's advice29.

Future Directions and Ongoing Studies

Research on the use of CBD oil in cancer care is making significant progress30. This research is bringing new hope and ways to improve patient care.

One area being looked into is how CBD oil can help protect and regulate the brain, especially after cancer treatments. The aim is to reduce the side effects of these treatments and symptoms of related brain conditions31.

Scientists are also focusing on how CBD oil interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS) and cancer cells30. The ECS is found to influence cancer's growth. By studying this link, they hope to find new, more effective ways to treat cancer30.

Future studies also plan to make CBD oil better and more effective for cancer patients32. They want to find new ways to get the oil to work best with the body. This might lead to personalized care for each cancer patient32.

As laws around CBD oil change, scientists are looking into how these changes affect cancer treatments32. They are working to make sure that patients can safely and easily get high-quality CBD products as part of their treatment32.

Looking ahead, CBD oil shows a lot of promise in cancer care303132. Ongoing and new studies are showing its potential to make treatments better, improving patients' lives who face cancer303132.

"The future of CBD oil in cancer care holds immense potential, as researchers continue to explore its multifaceted therapeutic applications and work to optimize its integration into comprehensive treatment strategies."


CBD oil shows real promise for cancer patients in India. It can help with many tough symptoms like pain, nausea, and anxiety33. More than half of people getting cancer treatment feel pain33. And for many diagnosed with cancer, pain is a big issue33.

Ongoing research looks at how CBD oil can help with cancer34. The National Cancer Institute believes CBD and cannabis might be useful34. Many cancer patients have found relief and better quality of life thanks to CBD oil33. Knowing the possible benefits and safety of CBD oil can help cancer patients and their families make better choices. It might offer relief and support in their journey to heal.

CBD oil's role in fighting cancer is still under the microscope35. Cannabis has more than 400 compounds, over a hundred are cannabinoids. Both THC and CBD show promise in helping with cancer symptoms35. As CBD oil's value for cancer patients in India grows, it's key for doctors and leaders to ensure safe options. This will help people use complementary treatments to improve their well-being and life quality.


What is the role of the endocannabinoid system in the potential benefits of CBD oil for cancer?

The endocannabinoid system is vital for many body functions, like mood and appetite. CBD interacts with this system, which may improve how it works. This could help cancer patients feel better.

What are the potential anti-cancer properties of CBD oil?

CBD might fight cancer by slowing the growth of cancer cells. It could be helpful in cancers like breast and lung cancer. Still, we need more research to be sure.

How can CBD oil help manage pain for cancer patients?

CBD can reduce pain by working with the brain and nerves. It lowers inflammation and changes how we feel pain. This can ease hurt in cancer patients.

What are the anti-inflammatory benefits of CBD oil for cancer patients?

CBD might calm inflammation by stopping certain body pathways. It also affects the immune system, making it less aggressive. This helps reduce inflammation linked to cancer.

How can CBD oil help manage the side effects of cancer treatment?

CBD can fight nausea and improve appetite. It works with the body's endocannabinoid system. This can make cancer treatment more bearable.

What are the potential mental health benefits of CBD oil for cancer patients?

CBD may support mental health by managing anxiety and stress. It affects brain receptors linked to mood. These properties could be good for cancer patients’ mental well-being.

What are the legal and regulatory considerations for using CBD oil in cancer treatment in India?

Understanding the legality of CBD oil in India is key for cancer patients. The country's laws on CBD can affect its use in treating cancer. This includes how people can get it and use it.

How can cancer patients in India identify and select high-quality CBD oil products?

It's essential for cancer patients to choose CBD oil from trusted sources. They should check if the product is pure and strong, and meets quality standards. This way, they can ensure they're using safe and effective CBD.

How can CBD oil be integrated into a comprehensive cancer treatment plan in India?

Using CBD oil as part of cancer treatment needs doctor's approval. Patients should talk to healthcare providers. They'll make sure CBD use is safe with other cancer treatments, like chemo.

Source Links

  1. 5 Things To Know About CBD Oil And Cancer! -

  2. Cannabidiol (CBD) in Cancer Management -

  3. Cannabidiol Oil And Cancer: 8 Things To Know -

  4. Buy Cancer and Cbd Oil: Understanding the Benefits of Cannabis & Medical Marijuana: The natural, effective, modern day treatment to fight breast, prostate, lung, skin, colon and brain cancer Book Online at Low Prices in India | Cancer and Cbd Oil: Understanding the Benefits of Cannabis & Medical -

  5. Cancer Pain Management With CBD -

  6. CBD Oil for Pain: A Comprehensive Review on Its Effectiveness - PharmEasy Blog -

  7. Anti-Cancer Potential of Cannabinoids, Terpenes, and Flavonoids Present in Cannabis -

  8. Exploring CBD Oil Benefits: Top 6 Benefits & Side Effects | Vedi Herbals -

  9. CBD Oil for Cancer Pain | CBD Tincture for Cancer -

  10. CBD for cancer: Possible benefits, side effects, and more -

  11. Ratio matters: CBD and THC ratio plays key role improving quality of life in brain cancer patients – BioCeuticals-funded trial -

  12. Cannabis, cannabinoids and cancer – the evidence so far -

  13. Harnessing the Healing Power of Cannabis for Cancer Patients -

  14. Clinical studies with Cannabis in India – A need for guidelines for the investigators and ethics committees -

  15. CBD oil for Cancer in India | How to use & Benefits -

  16. Buy CBD Oil for Cancer: A Simple, Effective Way to Prevent and Heal Cancer Using CBD Oil Book Online at Low Prices in India | CBD Oil for Cancer: A Simple, Effective Way to Prevent and Heal Cancer Using CBD Oil Reviews & Ratings -

  17. Cannabidiol Oil India: Buy CBD Oil India Online at Best Price - Hempstrol -

  18. Buy Medical Cannabis In India From Online CBD store | CBD Oil -

  19. Cannabinoids in cancer treatment: Therapeutic potential and legislation -

  20. Cannabidiol enhances cytotoxicity of anti-cancer drugs in human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma - Scientific Reports -

  21. Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®) -

  22. CBD oil: Uses, health benefits, and risks -

  23. Is CBD Oil Legal in India: All You Need to Know! -

  24. The Legal Status of Hemp Products in India: A Comprehensive Guide -

  25. Best Doctors for CBD Cancer Treatment in India | Aarogya CBD -

  26. Anti-Cancer and Anti-Proliferative Potential of Cannabidiol: A Cellular and Molecular Perspective -

  27. Emerging Therapeutic Potential of Cannabidiol (CBD) in Neurological Disorders: A Comprehensive Review -

  28. Controversial Link between Cannabis and Anticancer Treatments—Where Are We and Where Are We Going? A Systematic Review of the Literature -

  29. Medicinal cannabis can safely relieve cancer pain and curb total meds use -

  30. Controversial Link between Cannabis and Anticancer Treatments—Where Are We and Where Are We Going? A Systematic Review of the Literature -

  31. CBD Oil for Cancer in India, CBD Benefits, How does it helps -

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